Tuesday 30 September 2014

Stretch of the week - airplane

We are now all back at school & work, the summer a distant memory. we need to concentrate on what we are doing now in, the present & allow ourselves the time to practise, to become the highfliers we want to be.
Balancing stretch are great for improving concentration, stability & determination.
Airplane can be modified to suit you & how you feel in the present moment.

How To:
Take a deep breath in, stretching arms out to the side.
Take your left foot behind toe to the floor leaning forward but keeping your chest open with big breaths.
You can stay here or lean forward slowly lifting the left foot off the floor.
Balancing on one leg.
Stay here for 6 breaths & repeat opposite side.

Use your imagination & think of all the exciting & new places you can fly to.

Benefits Can inc:
Stretching the spine
Strengthening ankle, leg & knee
Improving balance
Improving concentration
Stimulating the imagination

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