Tuesday 30 September 2014

Stretch of the week - airplane

We are now all back at school & work, the summer a distant memory. we need to concentrate on what we are doing now in, the present & allow ourselves the time to practise, to become the highfliers we want to be.
Balancing stretch are great for improving concentration, stability & determination.
Airplane can be modified to suit you & how you feel in the present moment.

How To:
Take a deep breath in, stretching arms out to the side.
Take your left foot behind toe to the floor leaning forward but keeping your chest open with big breaths.
You can stay here or lean forward slowly lifting the left foot off the floor.
Balancing on one leg.
Stay here for 6 breaths & repeat opposite side.

Use your imagination & think of all the exciting & new places you can fly to.

Benefits Can inc:
Stretching the spine
Strengthening ankle, leg & knee
Improving balance
Improving concentration
Stimulating the imagination

Thursday 25 September 2014

Mindfulness for Kids

What is mindfulness & why do we want to teach it to children?????
One of todays buzz words in the areas of health & wellbeing is mindfulness. If you research this it can do many things for all types of illness, stress, pain, exam or work pressure. So what exactly is it & how do we teach it to our children.?

Mindfulness in its simplest form can be described as awareness. Awarenes of what is going on around us, awareness of our physical bodies & awareness of our emotions. Also an awareness of our reactions. Being aware of what is happening now not living in the past or the future.
Being in The present moment is a little difficult for a child to understand howerver they will understand & be able to tell you about Right NOW.

Mindfulness in children can help to improve, attention, academic performance, reduce hyper activity, improve immunity, reduce behavioral problems & improve sleep patterns. It can also help children with autism, & ADHD.

Here are a few ways to introduce mindfulness in children

1 Go for a walk & notice all the noises, smells, sights etc and how they change.
(autumn is a lovely time to do this)
2. Talk about their day & how they feel
3 Let them lie down & talk them through a relaxation or simply put on some nice music they can close their eyes and relax.
4. Practice a breathing technique
5. Use a glitter bottle, shake it up and sit nice and quietly watching the glitter settle
6 Start a newtons cradle & watch it until it stops moving
7 sit quietly & watch the flame the fire or canndle

Finally remember we cannot teach mindfulness to our children if we do not practice ourselves
Children learn by example!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Cat pose

Pose of the week is Cat pose.

I love this pose as we have soo many different variations of it. I also love having fun making cat noises in class when we do this stretch.
Begin on all fours as in table top with knees directly under the hips & wrists under the shoulders.
Breath in & curve spine lifting head & neck, pushing belly towards the floor. (miaow -happy cat)
Breath out & Drop head between shoulders arching back pushing spine towards ceiling (hiss- like a scaredy cat)

Benefits can inc
Mobilising the spine & shoulders
Strengthening the wrists & arms
Improving digestion
Improving circulation to abdominal organs
Exercising the lungs

Saturday 20 September 2014

TRAINING in Kids Yoga Northern Ireland

I am so excited we have 2 training courses for calm confident kids in Northern Ireland in 2014.
And we are booked to train in Glasgow in 2015.  Currently all our relaxations & stretch cards are being translated into Irish for Irish Medium Schools. our calm confident teens course will also run in
2014. This is a great opportunity for anyone who has an interest in health, wellbeing & exercise to become self employed and work as little or as much suits their family life. work is available in schools, afterschools clubs & community & sports groups.

Training is available for :
Parent & baby yoga
Parent & toddler Yoga
Baby massage
Calm Confident Kids
Calm Confident Teens

Last weeks training was awesome & we have 4 new cck instructors.
Train before the end of the year & start 2015 with  a great new family friendly career
Next training weekend 20 th & 21st Nov. Book now

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Snake pose

Snake is a gentle back bend. Have some fun with snake pose,, watching TV or slither around the floor remembering to take deep breaths in & make a hissing sound as you exhale.
Benefits of Snake  can inc:
Stretching chest, shoulders & back muscles
Stimulating the organs in the Belly
Improve digestion
Reduce Fatigue
Calms the mind
Lifts the spirit

Remember only stretch as far as you are comfortable. Do not over stretch the back
Have Fun! Smile!

Thursday 11 September 2014

Boat pose - Yoga for parents & children

Boat pose is a wonderful, fun, strengthening pose. It can be performed as a partner pose or as a moving pose ( while singing row row row your boat). Foe a gentler version keep knees bent & heels to the floor or only slightly lifted. Remember to lengthen through the spine, relax the shoulders & open the chest.
Benefits Inc.
Strengthening core muscles
Encouraging balance physically & emotionally
Lengthening the spine
Relaxing shoulders
Stretches hamstrings
Strengthens deep hip flexors

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Calming techniques in Kids Yoga

During Calm Confident Kids Classes we have several very effective ways of getting the children to stay quiet for a few minutes.  By getting them to concentrate visual we can help them to calm & settle both the mind & their breathing. One of my favorites & a throw back from my childhood is "Newtons Cradle". Ask one of the children to start the cradle moving & encourage them to watch it quietly until it completely stops. In a small class ( 6 or less) each child can have a turn at starting the cradle moving.  This will give you approx 6 mins of calmness & concentration. Perfect!
Another method is by using a glitter bottle which is very easy to make with an empty bottle, glitter glue or paint & some water. Try this at home to get your children calm & relaxed.
Glitter bottle

Newtons Cradle

Monday 1 September 2014

Training In Kids & Baby yoga & reflexology In Northern Ireland & Scotland

September has arrived & school has started. Why not educate yourself in one of Calm Confident Kids  amazing training courses, to enhance your business or become self employed for the first time. Calm Confident Kids is a great way to improve the health, wellbeing & happiness of your Kids.
Benefits of Calm Confident Kids can be as follows
v     Develops body awareness
v     Improves flexibility
v     Develops & improves balance
v     Develops & improves co-ordination
v     Improves breathing & lung capacity
v     Teaches muscle relaxation
v     Increases strength
v     Develops muscles in all areas of the body
v     Improves circulation
v     Increases lymph flow & improves immunity
v     Improves digestion
v     Improves & develops concentration
v     Teaches mindfulness
v     Improves stress management
v     Control of emotions
v     Improves positive thinking
v     Improves Self confidence
v     Teaches calming & coping techniques
v     Teaches kindness & thoughtfulness
v     Sparks creativity
v     Encourages social interaction.
What a wonderful way to start the new school year!