Thursday 12 June 2014

Benefits of Tree Pose

Tree pose is one of the most easily recognisable yoga poses. It is a great pose to use at all ages & stages in life and has many benefits.
How to....
Standing in mountain pose take the weight onto one foot
Place the sole of the other foot onto the inside of the standing leg.
(Above or below the knee but not on the knee)
Lifted knee pointed out to the side.
Stand up nice & tall.
Raise arms up into a nice wide V or prayer position above your head.
Stretch up & imagine you are a nice tall tree.
Wave your arms like branches swaying in the wind

Stand against a wall for balance or keep toe of lifted leg to ground gently resting foot on opposite ankle.
Keep hands in prayer position at chest centre.

Strengthens the ligaments of the foot and ankle
Tones & strengthens the whole leg
Improve stability & balance
Tones core muscles
Stretches the groin & inner thigh.
Teaches us strength & flexibility (inside & out)
Focuses & improves concentration.
Calms the mind

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